Avoid Scams - Currency


Avoid Scams - Currency

Update all credit card companies with contact details and that you are going on holiday

Make sure that you write down or photograph all financial contact details

Make sure that you read the amount of the bill before paying the amount and check what that amount will be in local currency. Some scams put a zero or two at the end of the bill

Leave items that you will not use from your purse in a secure place at home.

If your cards are registered with a card protection agency, keep a contact number with you and a friend who can help with the details if required.

DO NOT leave some with your card your any time, you can make a fraudulent purchase in 10 seconds.

Shield your PIN entry with your hand when typing and move your fingers to do non-presses as well as real button presses so that overlookers can't read your movements.

Have all your belongings on you or hook bags around chairs or your foot while sitting down.

Check your accounts while on holiday to report any issues with transactions and do not wait until you get back.

Use a Debit Card that can be loaded with currency from your bank account every day which will limit the amount that can be stolen and spent every day.


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