fraudsters use online dating with the sole intention of persuading you to lend them money

Many of us have felt that buzz you get when you’ve found your perfect match online.  This can often be a positive experience, but more and more men and women of all ages are falling victim to online relationship fraud.

These fraudsters use online dating with the sole intention of persuading you to lend them money or to steal your identity. They manipulate their victims through convincing stories and subtle tactics, building empathy and using emotions like guilt, sympathy and the promise of future happiness to draw you in.  Here are some of their tactics:

STORIES: They may listen to your experiences and then claim to have had similar experiences; they may tell you a story to get your sympathy, or tell you about an exciting business opportunity.

SECRECY: Fraudsters like to isolate their victims, convincing you that they are the only person that truly understands you.

POWER: Once isolated from your support network, the fraudster tries to make you emotionally dependent on them.

URGENCY: one you are hooked, they urgently need you to help save their business, pay for a flight or pay for their medical treatment.  If you faulter, they may act angrily or accuse you of not supporting them.

Be cautious if you are encouraged to keep a relationship secret. Beware giving money to someone you have never met in person. Regardless of how long you have been getting to know someone online, or how much you may trust them, they might not have your best interests at heart. The Take Five campaign outlines three principles to help you avoid becoming a victim of fraud.

STOP: Take a moment to stop and think before parting with any money or personal information.  

CHALLENGE: Could it be fake? It’s okay to refuse or ignore a request. Only criminals will try to rush or panic you.

PROTECT: Contact your bank immediately if you think you’ve fallen for a scam and also report it to Action Fraud.


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