
Showing posts from January, 2023

women overcome barriers to financial independence

SoFi is a  bank that has all the tools you need for your financial journey and helps you manage your money all in one place, without your husband’s approval… and they share my commitment to help women overcome barriers to financial independence, Follow along on Instagram where I’ll be dropping all my tips, and learn more about our partnership and my favorite SoFi products at!

Compound Interest

  Compound Interest Compound interest (or compounding interest) is  the interest on a loan or deposit calculated based on both the initial principal and the accumulated interest from previous periods . Compound interest can grow your wealth because it is interest that's earned on top of interest already earned . This concept applies not just to the money saved in your bank account, but on returns earned on your investments too. Investing is one of the most powerful things you can do to build wealth for the long-term.  

Budget 101

  Budget 101 Divide up after-tax income and allocate if you can to the following 50% essentials or needs 30% non-essentials or wants 20% future, savings, buffer or rainy-day If possible have a monthly transfer to a non-essentials account and a savings account so that the money left is just for bills and essentials. Identify your income and expenses Check that you are paying the correct tax. Work out what is your average income and what are your expenses. Rank your essentials by cost and essential/non-essential Go thru the list to determine if you can get a better deal or can remove them. Planning Plan your working month and year, set up your direct debits just after you would be credited with your salary so that you have this money available. Remove any items that you can live without or do not bring me closer to my goal. Have a record of when you get paid and when your bills leave your bank account so that you can be in the knowledge that the major essentials have been paid and you ju

Blue Zones - commonalities that lead to better lives

  Blue Zones - commonalities that lead to better lives Move, Right Outlook, Eat Wisely, Connect Belong - attending faith-based services four times a month will add 4-14 years to your life Move Naturally - use your body everyday Purpose - know sense of purpose Down Shift - shed the stress 80% Rule - stop eating when stomachs 80% full Plant Slant - eat more beans and less meat Wineats - drink alcohol moderately and regularly Right Tribe - put family first Loved Ones First - social circles that support healthy living. Smoking, obesity, happiness and loneliness are contagious.

Avoid Scams - Holidays Scams

  Avoid Scams - Holidays Scams Caravan and mobile home scams Fake listings and attractive prices.  Avoid payments via bank transfer as opposed to other secure payment methods Holiday Cancellation refund Scams Criminals defraud people in a number of ways and they can find out a lot about you.  Avoid giving out bank account details over the phone. Look when entering details into a website which might be fake (look at the full address and ignore and domain name details that are left of any full stop, for example is a scam site. Refund via a spoof refund agent Criminals call you with the claim of a refund which requires personal and financial information.  The real company should have enough information about the original payment method to pay back to your credit card or debit card. Holiday Booking Scan Make all purchases using a credit card which will protect you if the holiday is a scam or does not come about.  Holidays that are fantastic bargains you are normall

Avoid Scams - Currency

  Avoid Scams - Currency Update all credit card companies with contact details and that you are going on holiday Make sure that you write down or photograph all financial contact details Make sure that you read the amount of the bill before paying the amount and check what that amount will be in local currency. Some scams put a zero or two at the end of the bill Leave items that you will not use from your purse in a secure place at home. If your cards are registered with a card protection agency, keep a contact number with you and a friend who can help with the details if required. DO NOT leave some with your card your any time, you can make a fraudulent purchase in 10 seconds. Shield your PIN entry with your hand when typing and move your fingers to do non-presses as well as real button presses so that overlookers can't read your movements. Have all your belongings on you or hook bags around chairs or your foot while sitting down. Check your accounts while on holiday to report any

Avoid Fraud - Romance Scam

  Avoid Fraud - Romance Scam To build up a relationship with someone while on holiday where criminals are looking for a target to scam - widowed or divorced Scammers go to great lengths to gain trust and convince you that a genuine relationship exists before exploiting you by asking for money while on holiday or when you are back home. They ask that they need money for emergency medical care, and transport costs to continue the relationship.  Do not send money this will always end in tear, so avoid.

Alternative Investment

  Alternative Investment Gold Silver Artwork Wine and/or Whisky Property - fractional, rental Collectables Virtual Land NFT

4 Simple steps to wealth

  4 Simple steps to wealth 1. Step to wealth is to never spend more than you earn. Getting into debt by 1% of your earnings will compound over time and your debt will build and your expenses will go up and the debt will turn into a large overall debt. 2. Step is to save a percentage of your income every month Even 1% will build up over time and in a few short years, you can gain lots of wealth from small amounts of money. 3. Invest those savings into assets Saving will not make you rich, only investing will make you rich.  Invest in real estate, digital assets, and watches.  You only get really rich by investing in assets that pay income which you can invest in other assets. 4. Invest the profits from those investments Make sure your investment pot grows so that your capital grows so that you have multiple income streams.

best personal finance advice

best personal finance advice   I turned to   ChatGPT   and asked it for the best personal finance advice. Here is what it offered up. 1.   Create a budget and stick to it. Knowing where your money is going is an important step in managing your finances. 2.   Save for the future. It's never too early to start saving for retirement. Consider setting aside a percentage of your income for long-term goals. 3.   Pay off high-interest debt. If you have credit card debt or other high-interest loans, try to pay them off as soon as possible to save on interest. 4.   Save an emergency fund. It's important to have a financial cushion in case of unexpected expenses or a loss of income. Try to save at least three to six months worth of living expenses in a liquid, easily accessible account. 5.   Invest in your education. Continuing to learn and improve your skills can pay off in the long run through higher earning potential. 6.   Seek professional advice. If you have complex financial questi

Achieve big goals

  Motivation  The first question you need to ask yourself is whether you're motivated to take the action steps required to achieve your targets. Achieving big goals is rarely plain sailing. Working towards goals can be one of the most valuable learning experiences you can encounter, and you'll need to be in a headspace where you can weather the storm when challenges come your way. You'll need to be able to pick yourself up and continue to keep moving forward when obstacles knock you off course. Motivation isn't all you need to achieve goals, but it can often carry you through the highs and lows of the journey to get there. If you set an ambitious goal when you're feeling depleted in areas such as energy or time, you may set yourself up to feel disappointed as your motivation wanes and you find yourself avoiding the action steps required to achieve your targets.  Time Ideally, you want to be setting goals that align with your values. This will ensure you're setti

Chief, a professional network focused on connecting female executives

  Meet the duo building the ‘most powerful' network of women  Two female entrepreneurs are working hard to level the playing field for women in business,  according to a recent episode of  Talks at GS .  Carolyn Childers  and  Lindsay Kaplan , the co-founders of Chief, a professional network focused on connecting female executives, have a clear goal: “to build the most powerful network of women in the world.” Above (L to R): Lindsay Kaplan & Carolyn Childers of  Chief. They're making good progress, they told Goldman Sachs'  Asahi Pompey , during a recent  Talks at GS  event. While only around 8% of Fortune 500 companies have a female CEO, 80% of Fortune 100 companies now have employees who are Chief members. The network has attained unicorn status and has approximately a 60,000-person waiting list. “Chief's mission is really to change the face of leadership, which at its heart is changing the representation of what senior leadership looks like,” Childers says. “It&#

Manage your goals

  Step 1: Focus on One Thing  Don’t spread yourself thin here. I understand you may have multiple financial goals you’d love to tackle. But I think when you try to do so much all at once, it can often lead to goal burnout. You trip up on one goal and feel defeated, and all of a sudden you’ve lost the motivation to keep at your other goals.  So for now, take a minute to think about the one financial achievement that would make you feel great. It’s not about what I think. Or what anyone in your circle thinks you should do. This is about what will make you feel good and proud of yourself. Period.  Step 2: Think Big and Focus Small  I am 100% behind you having a very big goal. You want to wipe out a large credit card balance. Or you are ready to work toward building a big emergency savings fund. Or you want to, finally, make some serious progress on saving for retirement.  All that is great. But now I want you to break down whatever your goal is into a monthly goal. The idea here is to giv