
fraudsters use online dating with the sole intention of persuading you to lend them money

Many of us have felt that buzz you get when you’ve found your perfect match online.  This can often be a positive experience, but more and more men and women of all ages are falling victim to online relationship fraud. These fraudsters use online dating with the sole intention of persuading you to lend them money or to steal your identity. They manipulate their victims through convincing stories and subtle tactics, building empathy and using emotions like guilt, sympathy and the promise of future happiness to draw you in.  Here are some of their tactics: STORIES: They may listen to your experiences and then claim to have had similar experiences; they may tell you a story to get your sympathy, or tell you about an exciting business opportunity. SECRECY: Fraudsters like to isolate their victims, convincing you that they are the only person that truly understands you. POWER: Once isolated from your support network, the fraudster tries to make you emotionally dependent on them. URGENCY: on

Level Field

 Level Field A passion for financial feminism Passionate about onboarding women to decentralized finance (DeFi). It’s not about “mooning” or making high-risk bets on crypto tokens. Rather, the magic of blockchain is in the open-access infrastructure that allows anybody — no matter their background, credit score or financial standing — to participate in systems that have historically had gatekeepers.

Female Investing

M ounting evidence to suggest women improve performance — both at the corporate level and on the trading floor. MSCI’s  Women on Boards  study showed companies with strong female leadership generate stronger return on equity (ROE) — 10.1% versus 7.4% of their male-only counterparts. Credit Suisse’s study showed that among large-cap stocks, investing in companies which have at least one woman on the board leads to outperformance by 5%. Professors Brad Barber and Terrance Odean, in their 2001 paper titled  Boys will be boys: Gender, Overconfidence, and Common Stock Investment,  showed men trade 45% more than women, leading to a 59% greater reduction in profitability compared to women.

women overcome barriers to financial independence

SoFi is a  bank that has all the tools you need for your financial journey and helps you manage your money all in one place, without your husband’s approval… and they share my commitment to help women overcome barriers to financial independence, Follow along on Instagram where I’ll be dropping all my tips, and learn more about our partnership and my favorite SoFi products at!

Compound Interest

  Compound Interest Compound interest (or compounding interest) is  the interest on a loan or deposit calculated based on both the initial principal and the accumulated interest from previous periods . Compound interest can grow your wealth because it is interest that's earned on top of interest already earned . This concept applies not just to the money saved in your bank account, but on returns earned on your investments too. Investing is one of the most powerful things you can do to build wealth for the long-term.  

Budget 101

  Budget 101 Divide up after-tax income and allocate if you can to the following 50% essentials or needs 30% non-essentials or wants 20% future, savings, buffer or rainy-day If possible have a monthly transfer to a non-essentials account and a savings account so that the money left is just for bills and essentials. Identify your income and expenses Check that you are paying the correct tax. Work out what is your average income and what are your expenses. Rank your essentials by cost and essential/non-essential Go thru the list to determine if you can get a better deal or can remove them. Planning Plan your working month and year, set up your direct debits just after you would be credited with your salary so that you have this money available. Remove any items that you can live without or do not bring me closer to my goal. Have a record of when you get paid and when your bills leave your bank account so that you can be in the knowledge that the major essentials have been paid and you ju

Blue Zones - commonalities that lead to better lives

  Blue Zones - commonalities that lead to better lives Move, Right Outlook, Eat Wisely, Connect Belong - attending faith-based services four times a month will add 4-14 years to your life Move Naturally - use your body everyday Purpose - know sense of purpose Down Shift - shed the stress 80% Rule - stop eating when stomachs 80% full Plant Slant - eat more beans and less meat Wineats - drink alcohol moderately and regularly Right Tribe - put family first Loved Ones First - social circles that support healthy living. Smoking, obesity, happiness and loneliness are contagious.